Anlene Yogurt
Anlene Yogurt

Great-tasting low-fat yogurt formulated to support your active lifestyle. Made with real fruits & with 50% more nutrients.*

Did you know?



Strong Bones

Helps to form strong bones. Bones support our body's structure.




Support our body's movement and flexibility.



Strong Muscles

Muscles support our body’s movement and strength.

Frequently Asked Questions

Anlene Yoghurt product has the expiry dates printed on each pack. Consume the yogurt after opening. 

Please keep them refrigerated at 7oC or below.


*Anlene Yogurt mengandungi kira-kira 70% lebih kalsium daripada yogurt biasa, dalam setiap 100g. Rujukan Pangkalan Data Nutrien Kebangsaan USDA untuk Rujukan Standard.

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