Anlene Nutrition Science™

Science-Driven Nutrition Solutions

Welcome to Anlene Nutrition Science™

At Anlene, our commitment to advancing healthy aging for adults of all ages is built on over 25 years of pioneering research and innovation. As a global leader in nutrition science, we have invested extensively in understanding how to support bone, joint, and muscle health—not only for mobility but for overall well-being. Our research spans numerous studies, with findings from over 25 human clinical trials that provide valuable insights into key areas of healthy aging, including:​

  • Bone Clinicals (Bone Bundle): A collection of studies summarizing findings on bone health, demonstrating the positive impact of nutrition on maintaining bone density and strength.​
  • Let’s Move Study (MFGM): Research highlighting the benefits of milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) and dairy protein in supporting mobility.​
  • Clinical Benefits of Dairy Protein: Studies documenting how dairy protein supports muscle maintenance and physical performance, essential for active aging.



