Below is the list of clinical studies demonstrating the scientifically supported formulation of Anlene products.

Anlene 3x

Clinical Paper​

Key Findings

Kruger et al. Bone. 2010; 46(3):759-67​

Study shows a milk with bundle of nutrients (Calcium, Vit D, Magnesium, Zinc) helps reduced bone breakdown postmenopausal within four weeks. ​

Kruger et al. Eur J ClinNutr. 2012; 66(7):856-61*​

Kruger 2016 Eur J Nutr 2016: 55 (5); 1911-1921

Study showed that consuming Anlene high calcium milk drink with added vitamin D & FOS-inulin to be more effective in reducing bone breakdown/ protecting bone strength (in 12 weeks)*… ​

and maintain bone mineral density/strength* ” (in 52 weeks/12 months). Anlene is scientifically formulated contains the bundle of nutrients including Calcium, Vit D, & FOS-inulin.​

Kruger et al. Eur J Nutr 2018: 57(8); 2785-2794​

Kruger et al. Biores Open Access 2019: 8(1); 16-24​

Anlene 5x

Clinical Paper​

Key Findings

Kruger et al. Bone. 2010; 46(3):759-67​

Study shows a milk with bundle of nutrients (Calcium, Vit D, Magnesium, Zinc) helps reduced bone breakdown postmenopausal within four weeks. ​

Kruger et al. Eur J ClinNutr. 2012; 66(7):856-61*​

Kruger 2016 Eur J Nutr 2016: 55 (5); 1911-1921

Study showed that consuming Anlene high calcium milk drink with added vitamin D & FOS-inulin to be more effective in reducing bone breakdown/ protecting bone strength (in 12 weeks)*… ​

and maintain bone mineral density/strength* ” (in 52 weeks/12 months). Anlene is scientifically formulated contains the bundle of nutrients including Calcium, Vit D, & FOS-inulin.​

Kruger et al. Eur J Nutr 2018: 57(8); 2785-2794​

Kruger et al. Biores Open Access 2019: 8(1); 16-24​

Clinical Paper Key Findings

Source: Fonterra

Mitchell et al 2017​ J Int Soc Sports Nutr. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition; 2017;14:17.

9g dairy protein can stimulate protein synthesis & support muscle recovery​

Source: External

Mitchell et al 2016​ Int Dairy J. Elsevier Ltd; 2016;63:35–41.

10g dairy protein can stimulate protein synthesis & support muscle recovery​

Source: External

Soga et al 2015​

MFGM (166 mg phospholipids) combined with regular exercise improves muscle strength in 4 weeks.​

Source: External

Minegishi et al 2016​

MFGM (333 mg phospholipids) combined with regular light exercise improves muscle strength in older adults in 10 weeks.​

Clinical Paper​

Key Findings

Source: Fonterra

Daly RM et al (2020) Am J Clin Nutr 2020: 112(2); 427-446

MFGM & Protein showed greater improvements in multiple secondary outcomes including various other measures of functional performance, LM, muscle size, FM, balance, aerobic capacity, flexibility, and bone metabolism.

Source: External

Sugita et al 2021; Yano et al 2017​

MFGM supports neuromuscular function, which is important for balance and flexibility.​

Clinical Paper​

Key Findings

Source: External

Rocha et al 2021​

MFGM contains phospholipids, which are similar to the components found in your joints.​

MFGM contains phospholipids and gangliosides, which are similar to the components found in your joints.​

Clinical Paper​

Key Findings

Source: External

Ota et al 2015​

Daily MFGM (184 mg phospholipids) combined with regular exercise improves agility & co-ordination in healthy middle-aged adults in 10 weeks.​

Source: External

Yoshinaka et al 2018​

MFGM intake (160 mg phospholipids) combined with light exercise can improve agility in healthy elderly adults in 8 weeks.​

Anlene Total 10

Clinical Paper Key Findings

Source: Fonterra

Mitchell et al 2017​ J Int Soc Sports Nutr. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition; 2017;14:17.

9g dairy protein can stimulate protein synthesis & support muscle recovery​

Source: External

Mitchell et al 2016​ Int Dairy J. Elsevier Ltd; 2016;63:35–41.

10g dairy protein can stimulate protein synthesis & support muscle recovery​

Source: External

Soga et al 2015​

MFGM (166 mg phospholipids) combined with regular exercise improves muscle strength in 4 weeks.​

Source: External

Minegishi et al 2016​

MFGM (333 mg phospholipids) combined with regular light exercise improves muscle strength in older adults in 10 weeks.​

Clinical Paper​

Key Findings

Source: Fonterra
Daly RM et al (2020) Am J Clin Nutr 2020: 112(2); 427-446

MFGM & Protein showed greater improvements in multiple secondary outcomes including various other measures of functional performance, LM, muscle size, FM, balance, aerobic capacity, flexibility, and bone metabolism.

Source: External
Sugita et al 2021; Yano et al 2017​

MFGM supports neuromuscular function, which is important for balance and flexibility.​

Clinical Paper​

Key Findings

Source: External

Rocha et al 2021​

MFGM contains phospholipids, which are similar to the components found in your joints.​

MFGM contains phospholipids and gangliosides, which are similar to the components found in your joints.​

Clinical Paper​

Key Findings

Source: External

Ota et al 2015​

Daily MFGM (184 mg phospholipids) combined with regular exercise improves agility & co-ordination in healthy middle-aged adults in 10 weeks.​

Source: External

Yoshinaka et al 2018​

MFGM intake (160 mg phospholipids) combined with light exercise can improve agility in healthy elderly adults in 8 weeks.​

Clinical Papers

Key Findings

Source: External

Daly et al., 2020

Product contains a nutrient bundle with MFGM Active, micronutrients and high protein that demonstrated an ability to help move faster

Clinical Papers

Key Findings

Source: External

Gibney, 2009

Gibney, M. J., Lanham-New, S. A., Cassidy, A., & Vorster, H. H. (2009). Introduction to Human Nutrition Second Edition.

Free radicals are molecules that can react with, and damage cells through oxidation, antioxidants on the other hand are molecules that prevent this by reacting with the free radicals, effectively sacrificing themselves to protect the cell. Vitamin E is one such antioxidant. Vitamin E key role is to prevent free radical damage in cell membranes and in lipoproteins that transport lipids in the blood

Clinical Papers

Key Findings

Source: External

Gibney, 2009

Gibney, M. J., Lanham-New, S. A., Cassidy, A., & Vorster, H. H. (2009). Introduction to Human Nutrition Second Edition.

Dietary deficiency or deficiency of iron (due to poor diet or blood loss) can lead to insufficient iron for new red blood cells to be formed, leading to iron deficiency anaemia. This is most common in children, adolescents, and women of child-bearing age. Anaemia leads to fatigue, restlessness, impaired work performance, disturbances in thermoregulation and impairment of key steps in the immune response

Clinical Papers

Key Findings

Source: External

Gibney, 2009

Gibney, M. J., Lanham-New, S. A., Cassidy, A., & Vorster, H. H. (2009). Introduction to Human Nutrition Second Edition.

Zinc is essential for lean tissue synthesis and is not stored in the body in a readily available form, therefore when the body is in the process of building lean tissue a regular dietary intake is required, otherwise it may become a limiting nutrient restricting growth

Clinical Papers

Key Findings

Source: External

Huskisson et al, 2007

Huskisson, E; Maggini, S; Ruf, M. The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Energy Metabolism and Well-Being. The Journal of International Medical Research 2007, 35: 277 – 289.

A deficiency in just one B vitamin can cause a disruption to the biochemical process of converting nutrients into energy in our cells

Clinical Papers

Key Findings

Source: External

Sommer, 2008

Sommer, A. Vitamin A deficiency and clinical disease: an historical overview. The Journal of nutrition 2008, 138(10), 1835-1839.


Vitamin A is required for normal vision, if vitamin A levels drop below optimal levels, the eye will undergo a series of changes, beginning with night blindness (the inability to see in low light conditions)

Clinical Papers

Key Findings

Source: External


Blondeau, 2016

Blondeau, N. The nutraceutical potential of omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid in reducing the consequences of stroke. Biochimie, 2016 120, 49-55.


EFSA, 2010, Gibney, 2009

EFSA Journal 2010, 8(10): 1756


EFSA, 2009

EFSA Journal 2009, 7(9), 1215


Maylor, 2006

Maylor, E. A., Simpson, E. E., Secker, D. L., Meunier, N., Andriollo-Sanchez, M., Polito, A., ... & Coudray, C. Effects of zinc supplementation on cognitive function in healthy middle-aged and older adults: the ZENITH study. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006 96(4), 752-760 

Studies have shown that ALA can be neuroprotective, preventing neuronal death and can promote the generation of new neurons through a process called neurogenesis. It has also shown the ability to stimulate neuroplasticity and may increase neuronal resistance to damage by increasing the expression and production of certain molecules such as the neuroprotective HSP70 heat shock protein


Cobalamin (B12) has a central role in the normal functions of the brain and nervous system, this is due to the fact it is required for the generation of myelin


It is well established that inadequate dietary iron intake in humans leads to reduced oxygen transport, including to the brain, which would be expected to have an impact on cognitive function.



In healthy adults aged 55-87, it has been found that there are significant interactions between supplementation of between 15-30mg Zinc per day on spatial working memory.

Clinical Papers

Key Findings

Source: External

Pino-Lagos, 2008

Pino-Lagos K, Benson MJ, Noelle RJ. Retinoic acid in the immune system. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2008; 1143: 170–187.


Carr, 2017

Carr, A. C., & Maggini, S. Vitamin C and immune function. Nutrients, 2017 9(11), 1211.


Alberts, 2002

Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Walter, P. (2002). Helper T cells and lymphocyte activation. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. Garland Science.


T cell function, as well as B cell function is critical to maintain host resistance. A direct impact of retinoic acid on peripheral T cell numbers has been demonstrated in humans, where vitamin A supplementation in areas of malnutrition has been shown to elevate numbers of peripheral CD4+ T cells in children. Vitamin A could influence both T cell ontogeny and the function and differentiation of mature T cells.



The function of immune cells such as Phagocytes (neutrophils and macrophages), B- and T-Lymphocytes are enhanced by an adequate supply of Vitamin C



Vitamin D plays a regulatory role in the immune system. It has a specific effect on Helper T cells, which are arguably the most important cells in adaptive immunity, as they are required for almost all adaptive immune responses. They not only help activate B cells to secrete antibodies and macrophages to destroy ingested microbes, but they also help to activate cytotoxic T cells to kill infected cells. Without helper T cells we cannot defend ourselves against many microbes that are normally harmless.

Clinical Papers

Key Findings

Source: External

Ross, 2005

Ross A.C, (2005). Vitamin A - Physiology. Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition. Caballero B, Allen L, Prentice A (eds.). Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego.


Carr, 2017,

Carr, A. C., & Maggini, S. Vitamin C and immune function. Nutrients, 2017 9(11), 1211.


Lansdown, 2007

Lansdown ABG., Mirastschijski U, Stubbs N, et al. Zinc in wound healing: Theoretical, experimental, and clinical aspects. Wound Repair and Regeneration 2007; 15(1): 2–16.

Insufficient Vitamin A in the diet can lead to a “flattening” of skin cells, along with an overproduction of keratin, which leads to a hardening and drying of the skin.



Vitamin C is essential for the function of enzymes that stabilise the structure of collagen), which is a structural component of skin and is required for its normal function.



In skin physiology, zinc stabilises cell membranes, serves as an essential cofactor for several metalloenzymes, and participates in basal cell mitosis and differentiation

Clinical Papers

Key Findings

Source: External

Rao, 2001; Gibson, 1995

Rao, V. A. The prebiotic properties of oligofructose at low intake levels. Nutrition Research, 2001 21(6), 843-848.

Gibson, G. R., Beatty, E. R., Wang, X. I. N., & Cummings, J. H. Selective stimulation of bifidobacteria in the human colon by oligofructose and inulin. Gastroenterology, 1995 108(4), 975-982.


Deng, 2016

Deng, Y., Misselwitz, B., Dai, N., & Fox, M. Lactose intolerance in adults: biological mechanism and dietary management. Nutrients, 2015 7(9), 8020-8035.

Regular consumption of inulin has been shown to have positive effects on the digestive system, including an increase in beneficial bifidobacteria.



Lactase deficiency results in unabsorbed lactose being present in the intestinal tract, which can lead to symptoms of lactose intolerance in susceptible individuals.

Reducing lactose in the diet, can reduce digestive discomfort linked to the fermentation of lactose in the gut for those with lactase malabsorption.