Diet & Nutrition

Drinking to your Health 

Milk as a Natural Supplement for Calcium and Protein

It’s common knowledge that a balanced diet, along with physical activity, promotes overall health. This winning combination reduces the risk of chronic diseases and helps maintain a healthy weight. What we consume greatly impacts our bodies.

"Food, especially whole foods, provides vitamins in the most biologically available form and in the right quantities,” explains nutritionist and dietitian Jo Ann Marie Verdadero-Salamat.

“Ideally, we get all our required nutritional needs from our diets. There is simply no substitute for a balanced diet. However, some people like older adults, may lack certain nutrients. This is where supplements prove useful,” she adds.

Dietary supplements and vitamins come in many forms—tablets, pills, energy bars, and even gummies.

Not all supplements are created equal, though. Some may contain additives that improve the taste or appearance of the tablet, capsule or liquid. Additive samples include binders, fillers, dyes, preservatives, artificial sweeteners and even sugar.

“Should you choose to take supplements, it’s best to go for natural, preservative-free ones that have protein and calcium. These are among the most essential for healthy aging,” according to Ms. Verdadero-Salamat.

As far as natural supplements go, milk is power-packed with nutrients.

Anlene MoveMax is the adult milk that has consistently proven to maximize movement even as we age. It is high in protein (5.4 g) to promote muscle gain for continued mobility. More importantly, protein is known to fight viral and bacterial infections. Antibodies and cells found in the immune system rely on protein; a lack thereof may lead to weakness, fatigue, and poor immunity.

This adult milk also has 600 mg of calcium—two times more than regular milk. This healthy dose is good for healthier bones and enables blood to clot and muscles to contract. Anlene is likewise high in vitamin D that helps in calcium absorption.

As an added benefit, Anlene MoveMax is the only adult milk that contains 100 mg of collagen to keep joint cartilage firm. Beyond keeping skin supple, “collagen is a type of protein that makes the muscular fibers ductile and firm. If we lack collagen, our muscles won’t be that strong to support our bones,” is how Ms. Verdadero-Salamat frames it.

In choosing dietary supplements, opt for a natural source of protein and calcium such as Anlene MoveMax. Drink to your health towards healthy aging. Cheers!