• Mobility

Strong at the core: 4 easy ways to sculpt your abdominals

  • Mobility

As women, we all have a thousand and one goals to achieve. Every day, we’re expanding our skill-sets, raising kids, staying fit, taking care of others, climbing the corporate ladder and enjoying our hobbies. We want to be strong and active, so we can get those dream lists ticked off and be the best version of ourselves. The good news is, you can strengthen your entire body by focusing on just one area: your core.

Think about it, every movement you make stems from your core. Bending, lifting, twisting, carrying, reaching – everything. Strengthening your core also supports your digestive and reproductive systems and prevents lower back pain. A strong core is essential to living an active life, no matter what your body type is.

Have you ever seen those women who can smoothly carry a wailing toddler out of a restaurant, lift heavy suitcases off the airport conveyor belt or carry a month’s supply of groceries up the stairs – all without breaking a sweat? Their secret lies in the body’s powerhouse. When you build your core muscles, you’ll get that elegant posture that oozes confidence. And you’ll find yourself easily rocking those gorgeous heels you’ve been wanting to wear. A woman with a core of steel is commanding and graceful in everything she does. Make way, people!

So, how do you get a strong core without spending hours doing endless routines at the gym? There are plenty of things you can do, and here are four simple ways to get you started:

1. Spice up your routine

You’ll be happy to know that variety gets results! Mix things up and design a fun, well-rounded workout routine for yourself. Yoga and Pilates are excellent ways to get strong, flexible core muscles, as they focus on body alignment and provide a balanced workout. Rock-climbing, spin classes, aerobics and dance classes are also great fun while helping you build core muscles. For something closer to home, even hula hooping will do the trick!

2. Those step-counts actually work

Did you know you can strengthen your abs just by walking? Yes, you read that right! All it takes is maintaining the right posture. First, stand with your feet parallel, so you can feel all four corners of each foot resting on the ground. Make sure your knees are pointing in the same direction as your feet, and that your hips aren’t rolling forward or shifting too far back. Chest lifted, shoulders down, tailbone tucked, abs engaged. Pretend that you have a string attached to the top of your head pulling your body upright. Off you go! Walk tall! Keep this posture as you walk and you’ll give your core a proper workout without even realising it!

3. A funkier way to sit in the office

Sitting in the correct posture at your desk can do wonders for your health. Make sure you sit tall on your sit bones (with the bony part of your bum pointing straight down) to keep your spine aligned. You can set pop-up reminders on your computer to regularly check-in with your body. To get the posture fit for a member of the royal family, why not try a stability ball? It encourages you to engage your core, and makes you look super cool in the office!

4. Beauty comes from within your stomach!

Building up a strong core will be a whole lot easier if you nourish your body with the right nutrients. Make mealtimes colourful by filling your plate with nutritious foods, such as lean protein, veggies and wholegrains. Make sure you’re getting enough fibre, and don’t forget your daily dose of dairy. Fun fact: a study¹ in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that getting enough calcium can reduce fat cell production. Ideally, you should aim to have three cups of low-fat dairy a day (says the USDA). Anlene is a great option, as it’s healthy and full of nutrition. Get your nutrient boost and power through your day!


¹The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 92, Issue 5, 1 November 2010, Pages 1017–1022, https://doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.2010.29355